Eat more fruits and vegetables for a healthier you

It’s no secret that Oklahomans tip the scales when it comes to being obese or overweight. In fact, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported recently that nearly one-third of adults in Oklahoma are obese.
Not surprisingly, Oklahoma ranks last among all states in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are critical in the fight against obesity.
“Your mom was right when she said to eat your fruits and veggies,” said Keith Reed, director of the Center for the Advancement of Wellness at the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
“Eating fruits and vegetables is a sound investment in long-term health. Adding more to your diet is easy and can be inexpensive when you remember that all product forms count: fresh, frozen, canned, dried or 100 percent juice.”
Reed suggested using the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “My Plate” as a healthy eating guide. “My Plate” encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables as a way to improve health and control weight. To view the “My Plate” recommendations visit
In an effort to promote the need for Oklahomans to make healthier food choices and to eat more fruits and vegetables, the OSDH Center for the Advancement of Wellness supports September as National Fruits & Veggies — More Matters® Month!
“We encourage everyone to try making half your plate fruits and vegetables, this month and every month,” Reed said.
To learn how to add more fruits and veggies to your diet, visit