Developing good eating habits important for students

One of the hardest tasks for busy college students is healthy eating, especially as the semester grinds on toward final exams.
Counselor Jenna Howard said some college students have good eating habits while others struggle.
“From my experience working with students, students vary on whether they choose a healthy or unhealthy diet,” she said. “Some students I see eat healthy and exercise regularly.”
Time also seems to become an issue with many students.
“Students tend to juggle work, school and family responsibilities, so it may be easier to eat fast food than prepare healthy meals,” she said.
Ultimately, the choice is yours.
In August, Huffington Post had an article called “How College Students Order Food.” The top three picks were pizza, french fries and chicken wings.
Also according to Huffington Post, Energy drinks are 88 percent more commonly ordered by college students.
“The energy drinks, and too much coffee, can really heighten anxiety and lessen focus ability,” Howard said. “Drinking some caffeine is OK and can help, but some of the energy drinks contain the same amount of caffeine as six cups of coffee.”
Kids Health Website posted an article titled “Beating the Freshman 15.” The article suggests that college students do not know how to eat properly.
Howard offered some tips for healthier eating.
“It’s important to eat enough protein, like making sure you have some protein for breakfast. Nuts, eggs and lean meats are all good proteins.
“Too much sugar can cause a crash in energy and focus,” Howard said.
For more information about healthy eating, or for help with other issues facing college students, contact Howard by email at or by phone at 405-682-1611, ext. 7621.