Clubs and Organizations Fair to get students involved on campus
While strolling through the General Dining Area lobby outside the Communications Lab, students can explore OCCC’s clubs and organizations from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Jill Robertson, student life program assistant, said students can stop by the tables to visit with club members.
“It’s just going to be really casual,” she said. “There will be members of the clubs at the tables recruiting … . It just gives students the opportunity to see each club represented and what we have to offer for them.”
OCCC has 42 active clubs and organizations such as the Advocates of Peace, Christians on Campus, Health Professions club, Psychology club, and the Gamer Guild of OCCC.
Student Life Director Erin Logan said students should sign up for clubs that interest them. She said participating in campus events with their peers is important to being successful in college.
“There is a theorist by the last name of Astin who has a theory, a student development theory, called ‘Student Involvement Theory.’
“What is basically says is that the more engaged and involved a student is on campus — either through work or clubs or organizations at universities and athletics, those types of things — the more likely the student is to have a better GPA,” she said. “The college will retain them and they’ll be more successful when they leave.”
Logan said some students rely on their club or organization to help get them through their college experience. Those without a family or support system often turn to those on campus.
“Giving them an opportunity to be involved and engaged and have a peer group they wouldn’t normally have will help them be more successful students, which is our objective,” she said.
Although Logan encourages students to get involved, she also wants to remind them that school is the number one priority. Student Life aims to make sure students still focus on their classes.
“Students are always students first in our opinion … ,” Logan said.
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