Certain steps can prevent falls, preserve quality of life

To the Editor:
Nationally and in Oklahoma, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries for those 65 and over. The chances of falling and being seriously injured in a fall increase with age. Every 15 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury in the United States, according to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
Studies show a combination of interventions can significantly reduce falls in the older adult population. Experts recommend a physical activity regimen with balance, strength training, and flexibility components; consulting with a health professional about getting a fall risk assessment; having medications reviewed periodically; getting eyes checked annually; and making sure the home environment is safe and supportive.
In Oklahoma, several individuals have been trained as Tai Chi instructors and teach “Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance” classes around the state to older adults. The program has been proven to reduce the risk of falls.
This exercise program focuses on improving functional ability, such as balance and physical function, to reduce fall-related risks and frequency. Current classes are posted on the OSDH website at: http:// falls.health.ok.gov.
Falls can result in a fear of falling again, which causes many people to limit their activity and reduce their sense of independence. Preventing falls is important for preserving quality of life. Some fall prevention tips include the following:
•Exercise regularly. Exercises that improve strength, balance, and coordination are the most helpful in lowering the risk of fall‐related injuries.
•Ask a doctor or pharmacist to review both prescription and over‐the‐counter medications to monitor side effects and interactions. The way medications work in the body can change with age. Some medications or combinations of medications can contribute to drowsiness or dizziness, which may increase the risk of falling.
•Have vision screenings at least once a year. The wrong prescription eyeglasses or health conditions, such as glaucoma or cataracts, limit vision and may increase the risk of falling.
•Reduce hazards in the home that may lead to fall‐related injuries.
•Keep floors clean and clear of clutter where people walk.
•Maintain adequate lighting throughout the home, especially near stairways.
•Remove throw rugs or use non‐skid throw rugs in the home, and use non‐slip mats in the bathtub or shower.
•Install handrails on stairways and grab bars in bathrooms.
•Keep items needed for regular use in easy‐to‐reach places that don’t require the use of a step stool.
To receive more information on how to prevent falls, contact the OSDH Injury Prevention Service at 405-271-3430 or visit http://falls.health.ok.gov.
—Oklahoma City County
Health Department