Multiple student scholarships are available at website

To the Editor

Do you need a scholarship? If so, the OCCC Foundation is pleased to announce that there are more than 30 scholarships currently available — ranging from $150 to $1,500 — to help pay for your education.

There are two scholarship applications that are due on Friday, Feb. 14 — theAlejandro Rendon Sanchez Memorial Scholarship (applicants must be Latino to apply) and the Safari McDoulett Endowed Memorial Scholarship (applicants must have graduated from U.S. Grant High School, Capitol Hill High School, or Northwest Classen to apply.)

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Testing for herpes should be routine

It’s February, which means there’s likely to be a significant increase in sexual activity among those who celebrate Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, increased sexual activity also means there’s an increased risk for a person to either transmit or contract a sexually-transmitted infection (STI).

Now, I understand this is an awkward subject ­ and not many sexual partners prefer health talks to foreplay. But as the season of love approaches, it’s crucial that OCCC students be reminded of the harsh reality of STIs.

If you’ve never been tested for an STI, you can gain reassurance regarding your sexual health by visiting the local county health department and undergoing a free STI screening. However, be forewarned: your local health department may only test for so much.

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Healthy lifestyle takes commitment

Many of us have made New Year’s resolutions that will most likely not make it past January. The most popular resolution seems to be “get in shape,” “lose weight,” or “exercise more.”

However you word it, most people who have any of those goals will be trying an ever-popular remedy to the American obesity crisis — dieting.

First of all, I will say I am guilty of making an empty promise each year to change my eating habits or to visit the gym more but, sadly, I never make it past March. This could be due to my poor self control, or lack of motivation. However, I think the way we view becoming more healthy in our minds makes all the difference.

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Time to accept marriage equality

For most Oklahomans, the thought of same-sex marriage is synonymous with flamboyance, glitter, and rainbows — and for some same-sex couples, that’s may be exactly what the perfect wedding might entail.

However, considering the milestones the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered community has recently made, it’s time we rid our minds of stereotypes and embrace progression.

I get that Oklahoma prides itself on being the “heart” of the Bible belt. There’s a church on every street corner, and Gov. Mary Fallin has publicly opposed same-sex marriage on several occasions.

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Students need sufficient sleep

Most people have pulled an all-nighter at some point. It might have been for school, or maybe even just because an entertaining movie was on television.

I think we can all agree the effects of staying up all night are apparent the next day but not many students consider the importance of proper sleep.

College students often spend countless hours studying each night.

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Help is there for struggling students

With the holiday season approaching and the end of the semester coming to a close, many of us become absorbed in projects, tasks and plans that understandably have a way of occupying our full attention.

While many of us are extremely stressed and overwhelmed with all the things we have to do, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s going on around us.

It might not occur to us that with the change in season and with the added stressors this time of year brings, those around us might be having a hard time dealing with life.

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Auto-tune overused in music

Technology has been changing the face of music for many years now. One invention in particular, stands out — auto-tune or pitch-correct software.

So to auto-tune, or not to auto-tune: that is the question.

It depends.

Technology in modern music should be for enhancement, not as a means to create instant pop stars.

When auto-tune is used for its intended purpose it can be a valuable time-saving tool in today’s fast-paced music industry.

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All state schools need shelter

Because Oklahoma is a state known for having devastating tornadoes, safe rooms should be a requirement for every school in the state.

Seven children died in the May 20 tornado that hit two different elementary schools in the city of Moore. Neither school had safe rooms.

Children are required by law to go to school. While they are at school, the school is responsible for the children. Their safety is in the hands of the school administrators and teachers.

For most districts, safety is priority. They have all kinds of safety drills on a monthly basis or at least each semester. However, the tornado drills students are required to rehearse are not the least bit practical without a safe room.

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Most students feel some stress

There is seldom anything more precious to a college student than time. Between classes, homework and studying, work and hectic social and home lives, it can seem that having a minute to relax and just breathe for a moment is next to impossible.

As the semester begins to approach the end, students may find themselves with more than ever to do and that can be overwhelming. Projects that seemed far off in August are now due and the pace of classes tends to pick up in the last eight weeks. Feeling like you don’t have enough time to complete school work can lead you to feel stressed.

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Classroom respect important

Respect. It’s something we all think we deserve and all hope to receive. We also give it to those we find worthy. The concept is simple, yet often overlooked.

This semester I started attending the University of Central Oklahoma while simultaneously finishing my degree at OCCC. The very first class I had at UCO was anything but pleasant.

The professor was rude from the start, threatening to lock a student out of the classroom the next time she came in late when the student had only been two minutes late. Considering it was the first day of class, the professor’s response was completely uncalled for.

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