Film photographers deserve an ‘Unfollow’ on Instagram

Hipsters are taking over the world. By the world, I mean my Instagram feed.

Everyone considers themselves photographers, and anyone can be one as long as you have either an iPhone or an expensive camera.

I have both, which obviously allows me to appreciate photographs, so I follow some pretty high profile accounts. I am a mediocre photographer, as my ex-boyfriend so lovingly described.

I’ve noticed a trend in some of the photographers I follow, and once I see they support this trend, they typically get unfollowed. Film.

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Gay leaders need to be out of closet

As the leader of a multinational technology corporation — specifically, the company responsible for putting iPhones in our pockets — Tim Cook is arguably one of the most powerful men alive today.

In an Oct. 30 editorial for Bloomberg Businessweek, Cook told the entire world — business colleagues and all — that he is not only homosexual, but proud of it.

“I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me,” Cook said.

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Campus no place for concealed carry

No doubt it’s a scary world we live in. But it’s a much scarier world when every citizen has to have a handgun in order to feel safe. Imagine handguns on every person — in the grocery store, at the park and now, possibly, on college campuses.

Though a bill hasn’t yet been passed by the State Legislature, the future for college campuses may be looking strange and full of guns.

According to, Republican legislators are considering allowing individuals with concealed carry permits to have firearms on college campuses.

Those who are pro gun believe it would help in emergency situations, a belief I can understand, but not agree with.

Only campus law enforcement should be carrying guns on campus.

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Constitution trumps college policy

On Friday, Oct. 24, a film production student was stopped at the OCCC Halloween carnival and asked by the Student Life director to delete footage he had taken for a class project. He complied after being told a college policy exists that prohibits filming children without the consent of their parents.

What he didn’t know is video and photography are protected freedoms. In a public setting, a person has the right to document anything or anyone there —including children.

According to, “Taking photographs of things that are plainly visible from public spaces is a constitutional right … .”

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Looking down on others is wrong

I haven’t missed many cupcakes. Bake sale fundraisers see me and recognize their prime demographic.

I’ve sampled thousands. I’ve had some awful ones. But none has ever been so bitter as the cupcake I refused to buy — the United Way cupcake.

I came upon a bake sale last week. Young volunteers were raising money for a campaign that had swept the school. In days before, I had passed similar tables. Once it was compliment-O-grams. Another time,  root beer floats. Then a place to write inspiring people’s names to affix to a paper tree for some reason. And each time, there was a bucket of cash for the United Way.

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Death with Dignity Act needed

Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old with a terminal brain tumor, announced that on Nov. 1 she will take her own life.

Suffering from a Glioblastoma brain tumor, she said the physician-assisted suicide will spare her from excruciating pain.

In an interview with People magazine, she said “There isn’t a cell in my body that is suicidal or wants to die. I wish there was a cure for my disease, but there’s not.”

As of now only five states (New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana) have the Death with Dignity Act.

Maynard had to move from San Francisco, to Portland, Oregon, where physician-assisted suicide is legal.

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Talking to dead people on Facebook helps no one

With the Millennial Generation, cell phones have replaced pagers, text messaging has retired the phone call and tweeting has made email essentially obsolete.

However, with the increased use of technology comes a dependency problem — something Millennials can’t seem to defeat, even when it comes to subjects as sensitive as death.

Death is perhaps humanity’s most jarring event as it can occur at any moment and without warning. Inevitably, we all are faced with the death of a loved one at some point.

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Men need to control their anger

NFL running back Ray Rice has been indefinitely suspended from playing professional football after an incident where he was caught on video abusing his wife.

On Sept. 8, a tape was released by TMZ, an enter- tainment news site, showing Rice punching Janay Palmer — his fiancee at the time of the incident — in an elevator about seven months ago. Previously, there had only been footage of Rice dragging an unconscious Palmer out of an elevator.

After NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell saw the first video, Rice was suspended from the NFL without pay and fined an additional game check.

NFL officials claimed to have no knowledge of the physical assault. Obviously, this discovery has sparked a huge uproar in the NFL and in everyday life.


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Immunizations needed to protect entire U.S. population

Contagious diseases are gaining a renewed foothold in America because more people are avoiding vaccinations, said Karina Barthel.

Barthel was the lead speaker of a group of student nurses who organized a presentation on the subject of immunizations.

At a Sept. 15 Brown Bag luncheon on campus, a group of second-year nursing students stressed the importance of childhood immunizations. About 30 people attended.

“We chose to cover vaccinations because it is incredibly important that people understand vaccines,” Barthel said.

She said it is distressing to be involved in healthcare and watch people actively choose to become ill and endanger other people by confounding herd immunity.


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Think twice before taking nudies

Celebrities are always caught in the eye of the public or rather, the eye of the camera. Even when celebrities aren’t being constantly documented by reporters, they seem to like documenting themselves with their smartphone cameras — often naked.

But on Aug. 31, many celebrities received a wake-up call regarding their lack of privacy and probably deleted a couple photos from their cyber albums. That day, many female celebrities’ smartphones were hacked, releasing their private photos onto the Internet.

These spurts of released information are known as leaks, but this was more of a flood considering the 200-plus collection of photos.

Naturally, there is only one thing these celebrities can do to stop the leaking of nude photos — stop taking nude pictures on mobile devices.


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