Campus police help students find parking

The first couple weeks of every semester at OCCC can be hectic, said former OCCC Police Chief James Fitzpatrick. He said the campus is flooded with new students and visitors, which commonly causes traffic jams and delays.
Fitzpatrick said that students should visit the campus prior to their first day of school and plan their arrival.
He said that when students show up at 8 a.m. on the first day of classes, Tuesday, Jan. 19, they will find that they are not the only students rushing to buy books before their morning classes.
He said the week before spring classes start is a good time for students to practice navigating the campus, get familiar with the building, and buy books from the OCCC Bookstore.
The campus is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Friday, Jan. 4-15.
Additionally, Opening Day is from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16. On Opening Day students can receive tours of the building and prepare for the upcoming semester. The bookstore will be open that day from 9 a.m to 4 p.m.
Students follow the OCCC Police Department on Twitter @OCCCParking to receive live updates on parking lot fillings.
Fitzpatrick said that frequently lots D, E, and F have the most room, while lots A, B, and C fill quickly.
He said that OCCC police write tickets for parking violations. Double or improper parking and other violations can warrant a $5 fine. Parking in faculty or handicap spaces or a fire lane will cost students a $100 fine. Going the wrong way on a street, failing to stop at a stop sign, and reckless driving will receive a $25 fine.
“We’re not out here to write tickets, but we do.”
Though students are technically required to have parking passes, Fitzpatrick said that campus police do not write tickets for not having them, unless another offense is committed.
He said purchasing a pass can benefit a student; if their car is hit while they are in class the police department can easily contact them.
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