Author Devin Robinson to speak on relationships

Author and entertainer Devin Robinson will talk about the need for mutual respect in relationships when he speaks on campus at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, in CU 2 and 3. His book “Love is Not an STD” will provide the workshop theme.
Members of the Black Student Association attended Robinson’s workshop at another conference and asked that he be brought to campus, said Student Life Director Erin Logan. Logan said they had an awesome experience.
“We are bringing him in for World AIDS Day,” Logan said. “We want students to hear about love and relationships, mutual respect and confidence.”
Robinson shared some of his thoughts on the workshop in a telephone interview.
“A relationship without the destination being love is called a waste of time,” Robinson said. “I believe that people don’t know how to love. It’s amazing that we love too early, incorrectly. People misinterpret what true love is, so I wrote a book based on that.”
Robinson has had his own personal, inspiring experiences.
After his mother died, his older sister stepped up to take care of him. His sister worked 20 hours a day: during the day a beautician, at night an exotic dancer. She was taking care of four children, plus herself.
“I’ve actually been in love with a woman twice,” he said. “I realized the reason why those loves and romantic relationships worked so well is because the person earned the right to love me and for me to love them. It was a process, not an overnight thing.
“Love is what you give somebody and you expect nothing in return. And because of that, I am a donator of love,” Robinson said .
When he performed on Black Entertainment Television for the second time, he said, he recited a poem that he memorized. Many people, even some from Africa and Europe, told him how inspired they were just from that one minute of the show.
Robinson has toured in Johannesburg, South Africa, other parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Trinidad and Barbados in the Caribbean.
He is now writing a book called “Change Him … in 100 Pages,” he said.
“It’s a new book to inspire women to understand how to change their mate, a bad behavior or a characteristic about their mate and how would they do it.”
Robinson said he believes a woman can change their mate because he has seen it work before.
Robinson’s speech is free and open to the public.
He encourages students to visit the website: