Absolute journal accepting entries until Dec. 1

Students, faculty and anyone with a knack for creativity have until Sunday, Dec. 1, to submit their writing or artwork to Absolute 2014, the literary and artistic journal published annually by OCCC.
English professor and Absolute adviser Marybeth McCauley said Absolute accepts nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art and photography.
Participants are able to enter their submissions online, she said.
She said submission forms are posted around the Arts and Humanities Department.
Anyone with artwork to submit should contact her office for it to be scanned.
McCauley encourages those interested in submitting to consider entering submissions in multiple genres.
“There’s no set length or number of submissions you may send in,” she said.
“Generally, when people are good writers, they’re good writers in multiple genres.
“So, if you’re really interested in submitting and you can’t decide between fiction and nonfiction, I’d say submit [something] to each genre.”
There were more submissions than pages to hold them in Absolute 2013, McCauley said.
She said she received submissions for Absolute 2014 a week after Absolute 2013 was published.
McCauley said before being picked for publication, each submission is scored individually by five student editors.
She said scores are then compared at a later meeting.
Student editors are selected after being approached by an Absolute faculty adviser or expressing interest in the position.
Student editor Tiffane Shorter said she submitted four pieces for Absolute 2013 and had one piece published.
“The only time we do a process of elimination is usually when an author submits more than one piece,” Shorter said.
“We want to give as many people the opportunity to be published as possible.”
Shorter said most submissions are from college students.
She said her favorite part about the editing process is seeing all the editors’ different opinions.
Shorter said when submitting a piece, it is important the author includes as much contact information as possible so that it is easy to get in touch with them.
She said to submit pieces that are strong and to make sure that written pieces are proofread.
Shorter said Absolute 2013 was her first time having her writing published.
She said she can now list her publication and current job as student editor on future employment resumes.
“That’s a perk in itself …, being rewarded for things you like to do anyway,” Shorter said.
Student editor Allen Mitchell said his favorite part about being an editor is reading all the pieces of creative writing.
“I like [seeing] the creativity of the people around us,” Mitchell said. “I love the stories.”
Shorter and Mitchell said the student editors begin viewing the submissions at the beginning of the semester and work through the winter.
Shorter and Mitchell both said this is their first year working as student editors and editor panels vary each year.
They said they are trying to implement another genre for Absolute so dramatic pieces can be submitted for future editions, such as duet scenes, dialogues and monologues.
McCauley said being published benefits a person both academically and professionally. She said anyone who is hesitant about submitting a piece will feel more accomplished if they do.
“The act of submitting is an accomplishment,” McCauley said. “Having the confidence to send your work in is good for you … regardless if you’re published or not.
There is a link to Absolute 2014 on the OCCC website homepage where users can find the submission form and past editions of the publication.
McCauley said Absolute 2014 will be released at a reception on the last Thursday of April and will be available for purchase in the OCCC bookstore.
For more information, call McCauley at 405-682-1611 ext. 7405.