The PIONEER is a student publication of Oklahoma City Community College through the Division of Arts, English and Humanities. It is published biweekly during the 16-week fall and spring semesters and the eight-week summer session.

Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the PIONEER, the college or the publisher.

The PIONEER welcomes letters to the editor and encourages the use of this publication as a community forum. All letters must include the author’s name, address, phone number and signature. E-mail letters should include all but the signature. The PIONEER will withhold the author’s name if the request is made in writing.

The PIONEER reserves the right to edit all letters and submissions for length, libel and obscenity. Students must list their major. OCCC staff and faculty must list their work title.

Letters to the editor can be submitted to the PIONEER office, located in room 1F2 on the first floor of the Art and Humanities Building, mailed to 7777 S May Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159, or submitted via e-mail to: with a phone number for verification included. The PIONEER ONLINE also can be accessed at

For questions, please email markus.a.zindelo, Pioneer advisor at:

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