Able-bodied should stop being lazy

From where I sit in the Pioneer office, I can see one of the main entries to the school. I watch people walk by as they are coming and going to and from class. I see people run through the rain. I see a student dressed as a cowboy every now and then.
I love where I sit and it sort of feeds my undiagnosed ADD when I need a little break from a computer screen.
About eight feet from my desk and through a window is a blue button for handicapped people to press to have the doors open for them. In the first month of the semester, I’ve seen one or two people in wheelchairs use it, and a few with crutches or canes. But I’ve seen about 100 people use it that don’t need to.
For the record, I’m not in a wheelchair, nor do I have any disability that hinders me from opening a door, and chances are neither do you. It bothers me as I watch fully capable people press that button, stop their stride and wait for the doors to slowly open, then walk through.
Pressing the blue button saves you no time. In fact it actually slows you down. Pressing the blue button only proves your laziness and disregard for services and necessities for others that do not belong to you.
Chances are you have a couple strong legs and a couple able arms, able enough to open a couple doors a few times a day. Not only should you have respect for those who don’t but you should be thankful you do have that ability.
The same goes for stall selection in a restroom. Are you disabled? Do you have a wheelchair? No? Then don’t use the handicapped stall. Do you really need the extra room and handrails? Do you even know why those are there?
I’ve seen people in wheelchairs wait outside a handicapped bathroom stall for someone to finish, when there were three other stalls available for the other person to use.
This isn’t about being entitled to one thing. It’s about having a little class and respect for those who need a little extra help sometimes.
I’ll let it slide if you have your hands full and no one is kind enough to hold a door for you, but all too often it’s just a fully capable person pressing that blue button.
Pressing that blue button to open the door wears down the device that opens the door, and from where I sit in the Pioneer office, it doesn’t need to be used nearly as much as it is right now.
Use your head and use what you still have, and be thankful for it.
To contact Mitchell Richards, email