Early childhood expert to lead workshop Feb. 15
OCCC Child Development Center will be offering a free workshop, open to all members of the community, said Lee Ann Townsend, Child Development Center Lab Supervisor.
Townsend said the workshop will explore the differences in Early Care and Public Schools and ways to make the transition between schools successful for children.
Joetta Gatlif, OCCC adjunct professor and Mustang schools pre-K teacher, will speak at the workshop, Townsend said.
She said Gatliff also is a National Board Certified Teacherm and a Child Development, and Early Childhood Trainer and Consultant.
“Gatliff will address tips and ideas to make the transition an easier on for families, as well as, any questions that parents have about this very important transition in their child’s life,” she said.
Townsend said parents should bring their concerns and a note pad to collect great ideas.
“A lot of useful knowledge will be presented,” she said.
“There are things that work in making it a smooth and stress free transition.”
Past workshops have proven to benefit the community, she said.
“We have such positive feedback from our families in the past.”
This event will be held at 7 p.m. Tue, Feb. 15 in Room 17 of the OCCC FACE building, located at 6500 S. Land Ave. in south Oklahoma City.
Sponsors of the event say they expect 20 to 50 people in the audience this year.
“We hope that the audience will take away ideas to use with their child,” Townsend said.
“We also hope that they will take away important knowledge about contacting their schools early in order to find out enrollment date and details they need to be aware of.”
For more information, e-mail Townsend at ltownsend@occc.edu.