Workshop aims to raise awareness about alcoholism

To combat and raise awareness about alcoholism, OCCC will be offering a workshop about addiction signs and symptoms. The workshop will be held from noon to 1 p.m on April 29 in room CU3.

Admission is free, and it will also count as fourth-quarter health and safety training for employees and students. The event is open to students, faculty and guests.

Ken Skidmore, a professionally licensed clinician with Cher A. Bumps and Associates, and will provide information about addiction and the ways in which it can be fought.

“Ken will provide statistics about alcoholism in Oklahoma, which are staggering,” said Coordinator of Professional Development Dana Culton.

The workshop will focus more on the “work,” and will be more “…interactive, not just a lecture,” Culton said.

The April Addiction Resources Fair will be held in conjunction with the workshop. The fair will take place in the Communications Lab hallway from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Jenna Howard and Janey Wheeler from Student Support Services will be at the fair to let students know about the services that they provide as student counselors as well.

“Knowing the signs and providing resources is the goal,” Culton said.

For more information, contact Culton at 405-682-7827, or Student Support Services at 405-682-7520.

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