No classes but college open for fall break

Need to recharge your batteries? Everyone will get that chance dur- ing fall break from Thursday, Oct. 16, through

Sunday, Oct. 19.
Although all campus buildings will be

open, there will be no classes on those days, said OCCC Police Chief James Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick said many employees and students come to campus during the long weekend.

“People that work here still come to work and have their jobs to do,” he said. “A couple of places adjust their hours a little bit. There’s just no classes held during fall break.”


Fitzpatrick said because the number of students on campus decreases significantly during the break, many students show up to study or take advantage of the peace and quiet.

“The library is open,” he said. “There’s still a lot of students that come by and use the services or the labs, and use the library.”

He said the Child Development Center and Lab School also will be open, keeping regular hours.

OCCC President Paul Sechrist said students should take time to relax and to study over the fall break, especially with the middle of the semester rapidly approaching.

“I would say if you’re caught up with all of your assignments and all of your homework, hey, rest and relax for a nice, long weekend. But if you’re behind or if you’re nervous about how things are going, you might want to take the opportunity to

catchup.Frommyexperiences when I was in college, either a spring break or a fall break, I tried to do a little bit of both.

“Maybe try to find some time to spend with family or friends, but it was also a great time to get caught up on homework and studies, too,” he said.

For more information, visit fairs/pdf/Academic-Calen- dar-2013-2014.pdf.

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