Final Brown Bag focused on finals prep
Student Life’s last Brown Bag of the semester is to take place at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in CU1.
Assistant Director Amy Reynolds said the session’s theme is “Finals Prep.”
Reynolds said Rachel Olsen, supervisor of the Communications Lab, is scheduled to once again present on the topic for about an hour.
“[Olsen] is actually going to do the SQ4R presentation on how to basically study from textbooks,” she said.
Reynolds described SQ4R as a training session of study skills that help readers retain information.
“So, for example, instead of having a jumbled mind after a 20-page chapter, it’s more like dissecting as you go,” she said.
Reynolds said this method of study is generally offered multiple times throughout the academic year by the Communications Lab, as it is near the end of every semester by Student Life.
“We partner with them to host this specific Brown Bag right before finals week, so it can help students in their preparations,” she said.
“[Olsen] typically has people work through it, while she does,” Reynolds said. “It’s a very interactive session.”
Reynolds said students are asked to bring their own lunch, however refreshments will be provided. She said students will also have access to additional resources to further educate them on the topic.
To contact Nadia Enchassi, email