Study abroad opportunities available to students
More than 30 people, including students and faculty, learned about summer travel-and-learn opportunities in cities such as London, England; Cahuita, Costa Rica; and Prague, Czech Republic, on Nov. 16 after attending the Study Abroad information session in the World Languages and Cultures Center.
Host Abra Figueroa, the ESL Academic Bridge Program coordinator and a professor of modern languages, explained the basics.
“You don’t have to be a full-time OCCC student to go to any of the trips,” Figueroa said. Participants simply have to take one required preparatory course.
The first of the three trips will take place in Costa Rica from May 22 through June 3, visiting cities such as Cahuita, Puerto Viejo, San Jose and more. Christian Alyea, an Oklahoma Study Abroad organization representative, said the total estimated price is $1,500 per person, including round-trip airfare.
“It was wonderful,” said Rebekah Davis, a business management major who traveled on a similar OCCC-sponsored Costa Rica trip last summer. “I’d love to go back.”
The second trip entitled “British Theater and Literature” will take place from June 9 through June 19 visiting cities such as London and Paris. Ruth Charnay, an EF College Study Tours representative and the Communications and the Arts department director, said the total estimated price is $3,500 per person, including round-trip airfare.
“It is truly an amazing experience,” Charnay said, speaking from experience as a leader of the group.
And, the final trip entitled “Eastern Treasures” is a new program that will take place from July 9 through July 24 visiting eastern European cities such as Prague, Krakow, Vienna, Budapest and more. Alyea said the total estimated price is $2,500 per person.
“I am super excited,” Alyea said also speaking from experience as a leader of the group.
In addition to round-trip airfare, total estimated prices include hotel accommodations, local transportation, tours, a number of meals, special attractions and activities, and more. Alyea said other fees may apply and schedules are subject to change, however.
“It’s a lot of travel for a very low cost,” Figueroa said.
Charnay agreed.
“If you’d be able to go on all three, what a summer you would have,” Charnay said to those considering going on more than one of the trips.
Chiaki Troutman, the WLCC coordinator, said she enjoyed seeing pictures and hearing stories about previous Study Abroad trips.
For more information, call the WLCC at 405-682-1611 ext. 7560, or email You can also check out their website at and their Facebook page at In addition, you can also visit and
To contact Nadia J. Enchassi, email