Campus fitness challenge debuts

Andy Newson/

Why wait for the New Year to make a resolution to get healthy?

You shouldn’t, said Health and Fitness Specialist Marlene Shugart — that’s why it’s the theme of Healthier Me at OCCC, the college’s first campuswide fitness challenge.

“Everybody always says, ‘Well, I’ll start Monday,’ but why not start today?” Shugart said.

Unlike last year’s fitness event, which was limited to employees and focused mainly on weight loss, Healthier Me at OCCC envelops every aspect of becoming and staying healthy.

“Not everybody wants or needs to lose weight,” Shugart said. “Some people just don’t know enough about how to get started on a healthier lifestyle, and that’s what we’re here to help with.

“We want to try and get people healthier by getting people moving and incorporating healthier habits in their lives.”


The event, which kicked off this month and will last through February, is open to students, faculty and staff members, and retirees.

“Students are outnumbering staff three to one right now — not that we want to make it a direct challenge,” Shugart said.

However, she said, there is a little “healthy” competition involved. When the program concludes next year, two outstanding participants will win a grand prize.

One prize will be given to the participant with the greatest percentage of weight loss, Shugart said, while the other is based solely on participation.

By partaking in healthy campus events like working out in the gym, taking a fitness class, and attending health-focused Brown Bags, she said, participants will earn entries for the grand prize drawing.

Shugart said entries can also be obtained by attending weekly weigh-ins, whether or not weight loss is your primary goal. Weigh-ins will be held all day Mondays and Tuesdays at the Wellness Center, John Massey Center, and Family and Community Education Center.

To sign up for Healthier Me at OCCC, email with your name, classification (faculty, staff member, student or retiree) and your desired goal — such as weight loss or to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle.

Participants will receive a weekly email with updates, encouragement, and a trivia question that will net them another contest entry if they email back the correct answer.

For more information, contact Shugart at 405-682-1611, ext. 7442, or email

To contact Whitney Knight,

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