Writing workshop to help students excel

The Communications Lab will be holding a writing workshop for OCCC students Feb. 27 in room College Union 2.

“Beyond Proofreading” will help students examine issues in writing that delve deeper than just grammar and punctuation, said Rachel Olsen, Communications Lab supervisor.

“We want to help students identify writing needs that are not just about editing,” Olsen said.

“This workshop will help students talk with tutors about writing concerns such as development, organization, rhetorical situations, and research.”

In addition, Olsen said, the workshop will give students a better understanding of the Communications Lab’s methods of tutoring.

“Beyond Proofreading” will consist of a mock tutoring session to display what students will go through when they use the Communications Lab.

Students will also do collaborative work in teams as they go over the various areas of discussion regarding writing improvement.

Jordan Fost, literature major, is one of many students planning on attending the workshop.

“You can never get enough advice on how to become a better writer,” Fost said.

“This workshop sounds like it will be an amazing way for a lot of students to improve in multiple areas, so I’m looking forward to it.”

Olsen said the workshop is the first of its kind on the campus, but is excited for a possible turnout of approximately 20-50 people.

Students will be given the opportunity to learn something new in a fresh way.

“Students who attend will likely understand their own writing needs in a different way,” Olsen said.

“But above all, the workshop will be fun.”

For more information regarding this workshop and any others, contact Communications Lab assistant Nick Webb at 405-682-1611, ext. 7678 or by e-mail at nwebb@occc.edu.

To contact Morgan Beard, email pioneermedia@occc.edu.

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