Students can be successful in college

The red flags are well known to teachers: a student suddenly stops attending class, is not doing well on tests or displays a change in attitude in class.

These indicators suggest that a student is struggling for some reason, said Learning Support Specialist Mary Turner.

The OCCC Outreach Program is designed to help students with problems blocking their road to success in class, Turner said.

Outreach Program counselors rely on professors, or the students themselves, to alert them when assistance is needed.

“When the faculty notices a student having difficulty, they refer the student to the Outreach Program,” Turner said.

Turner said she or another counselor will contact the student and work to identify what’s wrong and offer help according to the specific issue.

Turner said referrals are made throughout the semester, anytime a student displays signs of needing help.

Once a referral is received, Student Support Services attempts to contact the student by email, phone and mail.

Outreach receives hundreds of referrals each semester.

“It is a challenge making contact at times, due to the students’ contact information not being up to date,” Turner said.

When contact is made, the student is usually appreciative of the services offered.

“We are not a punitive office,” Turner said.

“We are here to help the students succeed.”

The Outreach Program offices are located in the Student Support Services department, on the first floor of the Main building.

Students can also connect with them online at

The website is interactive and offers lots of assistance to students, Turner said.

To contact Chrissy Pickett, email

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