State budget cycle determines college funding

Ever wonder what happens prior to tuition and fees increasing or when employees are told there won’t be raises — again?

The state fiscal year begins each July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year.

The following is a breakdown of the budget cycle throughout that year according to the Senate’s FY15 Appropriations Report.

July through October:

Agencies formulate their budget work program.

Budget limits may be set by the Legislature in the preceding legislative session.

Agencies begin formulating the budget request they will present for the next legislative session.

This is a good time for advocacy groups to begin talking with state agencies about funding issues.

Oct. 1:

Agencies submit their budget request to the governor and Legislature for the upcoming fiscal year.


Appropriation subcommittees begin analysis of agency program performance measures and begin filing related reports.

No appropriations can be made to an agency until these reports have been filed.


The Oklahoma Board of Equalization meets for initial certification of revenues. This is the revenue estimate used for the governor’s budget.

This is the best time for advocacy groups to contact the governor about program budgets.


The governor submits budget recommendations to the Legislature on the first day of session.

The Board of Equalization meets for certification of revenues.

This is the revenue estimate the Legislature is bound by constitutionally unless it passes a bill to increase or decrease revenue and that bill is signed by the governor.

February through April:

Supplemental appropriations are considered for the current fiscal year.

Subcommittees hold budget hearings for the upcoming fiscal year and move substantive bills with fiscal impacts through the process.

This is the best time to talk to the Legislature about budget issues.

Late April to May:

The subcommittees get their budget allocation and convene the General Conference Committee on Appropriations (GCCA).

By this time, the Senate and House Appropriation Subcommittees have decided most of what they want to fund, and it is time to work out their differences in conference.


The Legislature begins filing appropriation bills.

During session, the governor has five days to sign or veto a bill or it becomes law without their signature.

If the bill is passed during the last week of session, the governor has 15 days to sign it or it becomes a pocket veto.

Session ends on the last Friday in May.


The Board of Equalization meets to certify any changes to certification as a result of legislation that was signed into law and to certify that the Legislature did not exceed its appropriation authority.

June 30:

The current fiscal year ends. Agencies submit Budget Work Programs to the Office of State Finance and the process starts over.


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