Silent auction raises additional funds

Emily Schorr/Pioneer
The auction drew in over $3000 in funds for the United Way.

Oklahoma City Community College hosted a silent auction as part of the OCCC United Way campaign.

The total amount raised for the silent auction was $3250.

The silent auction took place Oct. 24 through Oct. 27 in front of the bookstore. The auction included gift baskets donated by various departments on campus and vendors of OCCC.

All items in the silent auction for the United Way campaign were 100 percent donated said Erin Logan, student relations director and Student Life acting director.

A variety of options were available in each basket ranging from gift certificates to computer printers.

Megan Woody, occupational therapy assistant major, said she likes that the gifts in all the baskets appeal to a variety of students.

According to Logan, there was not a specific price limit for the baskets, but range from $60 to $675, and that employees could donate as little as a single dollar to participate.


“Every single dollar raised goes to the United Way general fund, and will be distributed to agencies in order of need,” Logan said.

The campus hosted three events to raise money for the campaign.

On Oct. 19, a used book sale took place, and faculty and staff helped with the campaign by donating books.

The books that were donated were sold for $1 to $2 each.

Big Truck Tacos visited on Oct. 19 as well. Students, faculty and staff participated by eating tacos, which assisted in raising money for the United Way.

In an effort to contribute more to the campaign, faculty and staff also made donations in order to wear jeans to work, and for popcorn.

These events and the personal donations by faculty and staff alone raised $28,363 for The United Way.

This was an increase of nearly 14% over last year with over 30% of employees contributing.

“I think it is a really great gesture that OCCC is participating to raise money for the United Way,” Woody said.

Logan said the event went well, but there’s always room for improvement.

“The goal for the campaign is to reach 100 percent participation from faculty and staff,” Logan said.

“This year we are getting students involved.” Logan said.

“We didn’t ask students for money, we would never do that, we were simply seeking time.”

“It’s really exciting,” Logan said.

The next OCCC United Way campaign is schedule for October 2012.

To get involved next year, contact Erin Logan at 405-682-7821.

To contact Emily Schorr,

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