‘Samurai Champloo’ still delivers

Ever since I started watching anime shows on Adult Swim when I was in the third grade, there’s always been a part of me that’s still attracted to the over-sized eyes, lightning quick ninja moves and, of course, the ridiculous storylines.

samurai champlooAnime shows are basically just Japanese action cartoons – but really, really deep cartoons.

I’ve revisited one show in particular called “Samurai Champloo.” When I was a kid, I didn’t know why I liked it other than the badass samurai sword fighting.

As an adult, my eyes were opened to the incredible story and background of the characters, and the amazing hip-hop-esque soundtrack. I mean, what’s cooler than watching people fight with samurai swords to some good beats?

The story revolves around the brutish samurai known as Mugen, who is ruthless, loud and constantly disturbing the peace.

Along with Mugen, there’s Jin, the reserved, quiet, yet skillful, samurai who has a bad reputation after killing his master as a student.

These two characters are the real yin-yang symbol. The two constantly try to fight and kill each other, but seem to be equally matched.

The only thing keeping them balanced is Fuu, a young girl with a mission to find the samurai who smells of sunflowers. Cheesy, I know, but nonetheless captivating.

In the first episode, Fuu cons the two samurais into helping her with her mission. This is where the story begins and the three set out on the journey.

Throughout the show, the three find themselves in whacky, impossible situations where they either have to fight their way out, or even play a baseball game against annoying Americans.

Though the show has its goofy and comical moments, it remains very philosophical and somewhat historical in a fictional way. As a YouTube commenter once said on a “Samurai Champloo” video, “This show is more than an anime, it’s an experience.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Rating: A

To contact Bryce McElhaney, email editor@occc.edu

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