Morning workouts a great way to energize

Recently I have gotten back into working out again and I thought I would try something new. I tried working out at two different times in the day and this is what I came up with.

All of the workouts were done the same way with the same pre-workout drinks and post-workout drinks, same vitamins, and the same workouts of the day, all done within a month.

The morning workout would start off at about 8 a.m. and would go until 10 a.m. giving me plenty of time to get to class.

I found that working out in the morning actually left me feeling quite energized for the day and gave me a feeling of self accomplishment. I felt like I had already gone through the hardest part of the day. It gave me a boost and put me in a pretty good mood for the remainder of the day. Also, it seemed to make the day go by really fast.

The night workout would take place at about 7 p.m. and go until 9 p.m. This workout was harder than the other one, although it was the same workout I was doing in the morning.

The day leading to the workout also seem to have the opposite. I would not look forward to the workout and I was in a grumpy mood all day. By the time I got to the gym I would feel drained even though I took a pre-workout before I arrived to the gym. Then by the time I finished I would be so exhausted I didn’t want to cook when I got home. So I would wind up going to a fast-food restaurant, usually Burger King or Taco Bell, putting back on the calories I had just worked off.

My findings? Working out in the morning was a lot more efficient than working out in the night. Clearly it makes the most sense to continue on this route.

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