French tutor joins International Crime Court

Since 2002, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been trying perpetrators of crimes against humanity from its seat in The Hague, in the Netherlands.

On Monday, April 2, Chearone Moulombi, an OCCC French tutor will be joining the ICC’s public information unit of the prosecutor’s office as an intern.

Born in Gabon and raised in France, Moulombi studied international law in Senegal before coming to the U.S. to learn English, eventually settling into the language bridge program at OCCC.

Though she received her master’s degree in Africa, Moulombi pursued a diversified studies degree at OCCC, and then an International Relations degree at the University of Central Oklahoma before becoming a French tutor at OCCC’s World Languages and Cultures Center.

After some time, she said she finally met the criteria the ICC had on its website last year.

“I got a response two weeks ago,” Moulombi said. “It’s for a six month internship.”

She said she faced many challenges to get accepted with the ICC. “People are afraid to apply because of the size … it’s competitive, but everyone has a chance to apply.”

Moulombi said when she was a student at OCCC, she successfully completed the English as a Second Language Academic Bridge program with Abra Figueroa, Modern Languages professor.

“She was delightful, cheery, busy, hard working, high energy and highly enthusiastic,” Figueroa said. “When she asked me for a recommendation, I thought it was a long shot … I can’t think of another student that deserves this.”

While tutoring, Moulombi worked closely with Chiaki Troutman, World Languages and Cultures Center coordinator.

“I was so excited when I heard,” Troutman said.

“(Moulombi) shared what her dream is, and this is that dream coming true.”

She said she is not without her own hesitation.

“Later I felt I would miss her,” Troutman said. “She has always had a positive attitude, she’s pleasant and bright, a real people person.”

“We wish the best for her further study in (international law) … we will miss her,” Troutman said.

For more information about the ICC, visit their site at

For more information about the World Languages and Cultures Center, visit

To contact Mike Wormley email him at

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