There’s more to YouTube than silly animal clips

YouTube is a magnet for stupid (albeit funny) videos.

The site is full of dancing animals, crotch shots, lip dubs and abridged animated series. The only genre of video (other than stupid/funny) that may be more pervasive on the ‘Tube is music videos by famous people because apparently the radio and Pandora aren’t good enough.

I’m guilty of searching for all of the above (except crotch shots, because OUCH). But I’ve also found videos tackling science and math, and they’ve managed to make the most boring elements of my education well, fun.

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Six must-see movies this year

I’m quite particular about the kind of movies I’m willing to see in theaters. This is probably because my family never went to the movies when I was a kid, and I’ve retained this idea that movie-going is a big deal. It’s very important to me that if I spend $8 and two hours staring at a screen, it had better be worth it. These are the movies that I will definitely see in theaters this year:

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What the hell happened to manners?

Recently when picking up my elementary student, I came face-to-face with a driver of a Ford pickup.

There were cars parked curbside to my left and right and I had nowhere to go. I had no choice but to stop so that the other driver could pass. He pushed his way down the middle of the two-way street preventing opposing traffic. He continued talking on his cell phone completely oblivious to the rest of the world and never slowed down. Really?

There is, or at least there used to be, a common courtesy to let the car that arrives first takes the lead; however, more and more that’s not happening. Before you decide it must be a teenager, think again. This was a man easily in his mid 30s sporting facial hair.

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Gift-giving needn’t be expensive

Buying Christmas gifts for people has never been my strong point. Mainly because I’ve always been broke until recently.

That’s not the only issue here. My family has never been one for surprises. We’ve always asked for specific gifts to save on annoying trips back to the store. Not only does that save poor people some gas money, everybody gets what they want.

My mother isn’t picky. She loves anything that her sons give to her, so I’ve been giving her stuff all month.

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Semester’s end an opportunity to reflect on campus club life

If you, dear reader, will excuse a level of informal language here, I believe it is appropriate to close the semester and 2011 with a reflection.

I began the semester with the lofty goal of attending one meeting from every student organization Oklahoma City Community College had to offer. I wanted to see what kind of variety could be found in the clubs and the kinds of activities that each club had. What I found surprised me.

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Female football fan anxiously awaits Redskins-Cowboys matchup

Being a football fanatic is no easy task for the female gender. Guys either take you as a “stupid girl” who knows nothing or are thoroughly impressed by your knowledge of said sports.

Growing up on the east coast, 30 miles south of D.C. dubbed me a Washington Redskins fan. The NFL was the highlight of high school lunches during the fall. Jason, a friend, and I would chant the Redskins’ victory song every Friday and Monday regardless of a win or loss the day before.

It wasn’t until after I proved my vast knowledge of the NFL in general that I was able to chant along with Jason and chime in to the football discussions. Girl friends of mine would sit there rolling their eyes with the expression written on their faces of, “Here Sarah goes again.”

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Smokers should adhere to campus policy

The ashtrays are gone, the “Breathe Easy” signs are posted at every entrance to OCCC, the new student orientation has taken place and yet there are still some people who think they can sit outside the buildings of this campus and smoke cigarettes.

If this were a Facebook post, there would be a three-letter expletive inserted here, but instead, “really?”

For those who either do not understand, or choose not to adhere to the non-smoking policy that began Aug. 1, please be aware that the campus police will be enforcing the ban.

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