Annual walk seeks cystic fibrosis cure

To the editor:

It’s that time of year again.

The annual Cystic Fibrosis walk will be held May 14 at the Harn Homestead. The day and location are different, but the cause is just as important. With each passing year, your love and support has humbled me and given me every reason to believe we can fight his disease. I know we all have a story, a passion, and a reason to do the things we do.

Because you so graciously support Ryne each year, I just wanted to remind you of Ryne’s story:

Ryne is 15 years old. He juggles his disease, school, and sports with what appears to be extraordinary ease. Most people who know Ryne, know that he must take enzymes before meals and snacks. We’ve all seen him puff on his inhaler at sporting events, but there is a whole other side.

What many people don’t know is Ryne starts his day at 5:30 a.m. The very first thing he does is a round of three breathing treatments, all intended to aid his pulmonary functions. The first treatment session takes 40 minutes. Afterwards, he takes his first round of “meds.” Before the sun is up, Ryne has ingested eight different medications. By now, the rest of the world is starting to stir and he is just the typical teenage boy: hustling to school, doing homework, participating in sports. Then at night, after his long day is done, he repeats another round of breathing treatments, medications and wears an airway clearing device.

That’s behind the scenes. Ryne has to do all of that just to get through a normal day like you and me. The part we tend to forget is that without the breathing treatments, meds, inhalers, clearing devices, Ryne would not have normal days like other kids. It takes great discipline on his part to stay healthy, but it’s the incredible science that has provided him the tools to do so.

That science has been afforded to kids with Cystic Fibrosis by great people, like you, with generous donations and caring hearts. Money buys science and science buys life. Thank you for your support!

Please continue your support by donating today at

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